Grants awarded to governments and organizations across the region
On Oct. 5, Ambassador Jessica Lee of the Republic of China (Taiwan) presented a stimulus grant check of $4.2 million to Minister of Finance Kaleb Udui Jr., as the first tranche of the 2023 annual grant to Palau.
The grant is for the funding of 33 nationwide projects including state/interstate roads, waterline expansion and improvements, state government buildings, the state basketball court roof and sports facility construction including the softball field, National Track and Field improvements, gyms, acquisition of heavy equipment, the multi-purpose center, One Stop Shop, Palau Community College’s Arts & Science Building, new correction facility construction, small grant projects, and the Ngerulmud Capital area Master Plan.
In Guam, the Guam Association of Realtors received a grant of $500,000 received a grant from the Realtors Relief Foundation for administration of the Housing Relief Assistance Program for those affected by Typhoon Mawar. The Housing Relief Assistance Program received applications from July to the end of September. Humanities Guahan received funding for its 2023 Community Grant Cycle and offered an opportunity for non-profit organizations to receive financial support for humanities programs dedicated to empowering public audiences. Eligible organizations were able to apply for up to $15,000 by Sept 30.
The National Endowment for the Humanities Pacific Islands Cultural Initiative is also awarding $1.3 million for the Pacific Islands Cultural Initiative to The Pacific Island Humanities Network of Humanities Guåhan, the Northern Marianas Humanities Council, the Hawaii Council for the Humanities, and the Amerika Samoa Humanities Council. The funding also includes $800,000 in supplemental funding for three years to the four partners in the network.
Among other aims, “This network seeks to elevate the voices and experiences of Pacific Islanders, highlighting the diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of these communities,” Humanities Guåhan said in an Oct. 26 release. The United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture awarded the Northern Marianas College $151,370 “to enhance agricultural and food science education through the implementation of Virtual Reality technology,” according to an Oct. 17 release from NMC. The grant was awarded through the USDA NIFA’s Distance Education Grant Program for Insular Areas. mbj